A short one for Day 1! Let's create our bot - sounds like not a lot but it is a little involved!
Head to discord.com, scroll to the bottom and click on Developers:
Next, you'll want to click on "Get Started" under Apps, not Premium Apps:
At the top left, you'll see 'Applications' - click on this:
Once you've done this, you'll be brought to a page like this, click on 'New Application' on the right-hand side:
Use a name for your Bot, be sure to tick in the checkbox, and click 'Create'.
Now we have created the Bot, we can change the name, and the app icon (which acts the same as your profile pic in Discord!) and create a description.
For now, ignore the other options on the left as these will be covered next time!
Next time...
We'll set up the Bot on our application, invite it to our server then add some functionality for it to reply simply to our inputs!
Please tune in for more tomorrow (I hope)!